
LightCode Paper

05 June 2024

This week, the LightCode Erasmus+ Project Consortium, represented in the Conference by 3 of its members, had its paper presented in the GDN & ICDSST2024 Conference by Prof. Zoran Wittine from the University of Zagreb.

The LightCode paper titled “Unlocking the potential of the low-code approach for a more open and innovative higher education system”, was very well explained in the Conference, held in Porto, Portugal, about Group Decision and Negotiation & Decision Support Systems Technology, having as main topic: “Human-Centric Decision and Negotiation Support for Societal Transitions”.

There was a lot of interest from the audience and we look forward to presenting advances of the project work again at the ICDSST Conference next year!

Publications of the GDN & ICDSST2024 Conference can be downloaded via the link: