
LightCode Faculty Members Training

10 – 13 June 2024

The LightCode Erasmus+ Project Faculty Members Training Workshop in Thessaloniki at the University of Macedonia was a huge success! It joined motivated professors and professionals linked with teaching and training tasks with Higher Educational Institutions from Austria, Croatia, France, Greece, and Serbia to learn about how low-code teaching materials and platforms can improve their teaching tasks.

Dalia Susa Vugec and Ana Marija Stjepic from the University of Zagreb presented the Assestment Tools and Data Collection modules for lowcode platforms. This included an evaluation toolkit to enable faculty members to evaluate the low-code teaching outcomes and digital skills developed by students.

Coming from the University of Niš, Marina Stanojevic shared tips on how to apply lowcode to a variety of disciplines & expertise. This presentation let everyone explore the versatility of the low-code approach.

Under the guidance of Margarita Vasileiou from Symplexis it was explored how the low-code approach can create an inclusive teaching Environment.

The participants themselves took part in exciting group activities about planning their own lowcode apps to be implemented in the LightCode platform.

The last day of the Workshop focused on how to setup users profiles and start using the LightCode Platform, being implemented by KARMICSOFT. Michel Zam interacted with the participants on the use of the platform and collected constructive feedback from them for fine-tuning the overall platform. At the end of the third and last day, a workshop evaluation session from the participants’ side took place, followed by a concluding project partners’ meeting to align future work and ongoing tasks.

Overall, the workshop gave every participant the opportunity to present and evaluate the progress of the project development, allowing us to learn from each other’s contributions, and to bring the project partners to the same page for successfully build the next developments steps. We want to thank our hosts from the University of Macedonia (Jason Papathanasiou and Giota Digkoglou) for the challenging workshop organization. It was Great!